Estamos felices de compartir con nuestra comunidad educativa los logros de algunos de nuestros estudiantes en diferentes deportes y actividades.
-Felicitamos a Liam Bell-Taylor Albán de Kinder A quien recientemente consiguió convertirse en Cinturón Amarillo en Taekwondo.
-Felicitamos a Darla Aragón Ortiz de 1er grado A, quien recientemente obtuvo Cinturón Plomo en Jiu Jitsu, deporte que practica desde los 3 años desarrollando un estilo de vida deportivo que ha mejorado durante los últimos años.
Agradecemos a las familias por haber compartido con nuestro Colegio los logros de cada uno. Deseamos que continúen creciendo y potenciando sus habilidades musicales, deportivas y artísticas.
Proud of their achievements
We are happy to share with our educational community the achievements of some of our students in different sports and activities.
-We congratulate Liam Bell-Taylor Albán from Kinder A, who recently became a Yellow Belt in Taekwondo.
-Congratulations to Darla Aragón Ortiz from 1st grade A, who recently obtained a Lead Belt in Jiu Jitsu, a sport she has been practicing since she was three years old, developing a sporting lifestyle that has improved during the last few years.
We thank the families for sharing with our school the achievements of each one of them. We wish them to continue growing and enhancing their musical, sports, and artistic skills.