Primer y tercer grado realizaron visitas de investigación al Museo Inca y al Museo de Arte Precolombino, las que les permitieron conectar las indagaciones que hicieron durante seis semanas con lo que observaron en ambos museos. Primer grado pudo constatar que el uso de la tecnología ha cambiado a través del tiempo. Y tercer grado pudo comprobar que antes de que nosotros viviéramos aquí hubo otras personas y que, gracias a los vestigios que nos dejaron, podemos estudiarlas y conocer su historia.
The third grade students made an inquiry visit to the Inca museum and Pre-Columbian art museum, as part of the closing of the second unit of inquiry. They were able to make connections with the research they did during the six weeks and what they observed in the museums. They understood that before us there were other people and thanks to the vestiges they left us, we were able to study them and learn about their history.