La Universidad de Lima hizo un especial reconocimiento a nuestra institución educativa, otorgándonos la Acreditación al Rendimiento Académico.
Nos complace anunciar que, gracias a la preparación que les brinda el Programa del Diploma, nuestros estudiantes gozarán de beneficios de ingreso por tercio y medio superior en dicha casa de estudios.
En Andino Cusco International School, nuestra motivación es seguir formando ciudadanos del mundo y agentes de cambio, que sean indagadores, audaces y pensadores.
The University of Lima made a special recognition to our educational institution, granting us the Accreditation for Academic Performance.
We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the work of the Diploma Program, our students will enjoy admission benefits at the respective university.
At Andino Cusco International School, our motivation is to continue training our students to be citizens of the world and agents of change, who are inquiring, risk-taking and critical thinkers.