En Secundaria, Andino School ofrece diversos talleres en los que desarrollan sus habilidades vocales y musicales. Como parte de estos, los estudiantes de Séptimo y Octavo Grado participan del Taller de Canto que es fundamental para el desarrollo de la personalidad en durante la adolescencia.
Desarrollan expresión vocal y musical a través de diversas técnicas, reconociendo además la diversidad de sonidos y procedencia; así, validan y expanden sus horizontes culturales y revaloran su propia identidad cultural a través de un trabajo colaborativo e íntegro.
Este taller es uno de los cinco talleres que ofrece Andino School a nuestros estudiantes como parte de una formación integral y complementaria en el desarrollo de habilidades artísticas y musicales.
At the Secondary level, Andino School offers various workshops where students develop their vocal and musical skills. As part of these workshops, seventh and eighth-grade students participate in the Singing Workshop, which is fundamental for developing their personality during their teenage years.
They develop vocal and musical expression through different techniques, recognizing the diversity of sounds and origins; thus, they validate and expand their cultural horizons and revalue their cultural identity through collaborative and integral work.
The singing workshop is one of the five offered by Andino School to our students as part of comprehensive and complementary training in developing artistic and musical skills.
As part of the educational proposal offered by Andino School, the students in the Second Year of the Diploma Program visit museums that contribute to creating their artistic works and projects.
In this regard, during July, they participated in a visit to the Pre-Columbian Art Museum – Cusco to observe the representation and abstraction of various Peruvian artists as an inspiration for the artistic works they present in the Visual Arts course and as preparation for their evaluations to obtain the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
Para conocer más, puedes ver el siguiente video: https://www.facebook.com/andinoschool/videos/677416880905915