Con el objetivo de promover la lectura, realizamos un concurso de disfraces de escritores y personajes literarios. En el Día del Libro, Primaria, Secundaria y Diploma IB representaron las creaciones de figuras como Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, entre otros.
Las niñas y los niños de Inicial optaron por los personajes de sus cuentos favoritos, como Pinocho, Rapunzel y Caperucita Roja. Todos participaron en un desfile de disfraces y explicaron quiénes son los personajes que representan y por qué los eligieron.
Luego, cada salón de Primaria y Secundaria participó de actividades como improvisación de fragmentos literarios y circuitos con juegos y preguntas sobre Literatura. La organización estuvo a cargo del segundo año del Diploma IB.
El Día del Libro cerró con un evento muy importante, las y los estudiantes de primer año del Diploma IB presentaron una adaptación de la obra “Noche de Reyes”, de William Shakespeare. Se encargaron de reescribir el guión, elaborar los vestuarios y diseñar la escenografía, además de interpretar a los personajes.
The Primary, Secondary and IB Diploma Program students participated in a costume contest as they dressed up as authors or characters in literature. Some of their costumes included Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King, and J.K. Rowling.
Early Years students participated in the costume contest by dressing up as characters from their favorite stories, including Pinocchio, Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood. All Early Years students participated in a costume parade, explaining who they were and the reasons why they chose to represent them.
Then students from each Primary and Secondary classroom, participated in improvisation, stations, and answered questions about literature.
World Book Day was organized by the second year IB Diploma Program students.
To conclude the day, the first year students of the IB Diploma Program presented their adaptation of the play “The Twelfth Night” by William Shakespeare.
They presented the play in front of the whole school. They were responsible for rewriting the script, making costumes and set designs, as well as acting as the characters.
Congratulations to all on a fun and successful World Book Day!