As part of the fifth Unit of Inquiry “How we organize ourselves, our Kinder students reflected on the concept of function as related to community. Among their conclusions, they found that as part of a community people take care of the needs of others, are supportive, and share feelings of appreciation for each other. For this reason, the kinder students learned and performed the song “Happiness is something if you give it away”, as a way of expressing the sharing of emotions that are part of what moves us as a community, to give, and therefore receive, as the lyrics say “.. lend it, spend it, and give it away, then it comes right back to you”.
Como parte de la quinta Unidad de Indagación “Cómo nos organizamos, los niños y las niñas de Kinder reflexionaron sobre el concepto de función relacionado con la comunidad. Entre sus conclusiones, afirmaron que, como parte de una comunidad deben cuidar las necesidades de los y las demás, apoyamos y compartimos sentimientos de aprecio por el prójimo. Por esta razón, prepararon la canción “La felicidad es algo si la regalas”, como una manera de expresar las emociones al dar, como la letra dice “préstalo, gástalo y regálalo, entonces vuelve a ti”.
Tag:canción, kinder song